Optical domes are primarily used to protect precision instruments, equipment, and cameras in harsh environments. In addition to common, low-cost optical glass domes, Bena can also produce high-precision quartz glass domes.
Commonly, fused silica glass is divided into UV quartz glass and IR quartz glass. UV quartz glass has relatively good transmittance at 190nm-2650nm, but absorption occurs at around 2200nm and 2650nm. Infrared quartz glass has good optical transmittance at 280nm-3800nm.
Assuming the target to be protected, applied in the UV band, UV quartz glass is a better choice. Assuming the application is in the infrared band, IR quartz glass would be more suitable. Meanwhile, compared with common optical glass H-K9L, N-BK7, etc., quartz glass has better mechanical strength and chemical properties, but the price of its rough material is much higher than common optical glass.